Transparent blooms: The new roof above the courtgard of the IHK at Würzburg
To use single layer ETFE-foils, prestressed by mechanical tensioning and supported by ropes are not very common – up to now very few constructions of this type are known. They earn our interest because of the combination of very interesting physical properties (perviousity to a wide range of visible and non-visible light, very little weight, “self-cleaning”) and the good known possibilities of membrane constructions which are prestressed by mechanical tension. The umbrella constructions are standing therefor exemplary: the anticlastic figure of the structure needs mechanical pretension and the working conditions of the nearby offices can be improved by providing an optimal range of natural light. The architectural quality of the construction is achieved by the specific way of combining foil, ropes and steel components. The pillars are as slim as possible, the details are very simple, foil and ropes are nearly non-visible and the function is reliable and durable.
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Dr. Lutz Schöne
Docteur en génie civil Président